Cancel 9- English helps and dialogs - Deutsche Hilfen und Dialoge ~L~anguage select ~E~nglish ~D~eutsch Language Select Cancel Passt~h~rough In~f~ected Msg~B~ase ~S~emaphore ~L~OG-Path Mailbo~x~ Ol~d~ Files T~e~mp B~a~d TICs ~T~ICs ~P~ackets O~u~tbound ~I~nbound ~M~ailer ~N~etmail System Path SetupN Esc=~R~eady ~C~opy F10k ~D~elete F8j ~E~dit F4i ~A~dd F2h ~I~tem descriptions Change SetupN ESC=~F~ertig ~C~opy F10k sch F8j ~E~dit F4i ~N~eu F3h ~B~eschreibung bersicht ber vorhandene Eintr w/o path with path ;------------ DOS ----------- ----------- OS2 ------------ w/o path with pathc Fields with "*" are ignored if programtype is ACU.O Cancel * L~i~st Char * ~A~RC-Banner * Command to ~e~xtract archive *Command to ~c~ompress files or to call ACU Program ~p~ath * A~r~chive-ID * Ex~t~ension Program type! Compre~s~sionprogram"AC~U~ (Archive conversion utility) ~D~escription# Packer-Specification Cancel Filematch ~F~irst filematch Send ~l~atest version ~P~assword File~n~ame ~A~lias Alias settings Cancel ~R~eply area JAM-base Squish Hudson Netmail Ezycom ~S~can Area JAM-base Squish Hudson Netmail Ezycom Ori~g~in[( ~A~KA\( A~c~tive ~D~escription% Filefind Settings Auto~U~pdate Cancel Areali~s~t ~A~reaMgr name ~P~assword Up~l~ink ~G~roup Active Forward-Manager Settings Cancel Update ~f~requency ~d~aily ~w~eekly ~m~onthly Arealist ~c~ommand AutoUpdate is ~a~ctive AutoUpdate Settings nodes and points eg. FIDO-Net (no points, only PVT-nodes eg. Pascal-Net ~F~ilegroups using this AKA Cancel In this net there are ~3~D-addresses ~4~D-addresses This is my ~M~AIN-AKA ~D~omain Name ~P~oint adress No~d~e address ~N~et address ~Z~one address AKA setup Security Help Cancel ~E~choes=( ~G~roups<( JUMP INTO ~F~iles Crash ~M~ails Crash ~S~witches Send *.T~I~Cs Com~p~ress TIC-files Send infote~x~ts Send ~4~D TIC-files Strip "seen b~y~" Compress ~n~ormal files ~A~ccounting ~F~ree ~D~L-kb Da~y~s *#.[##] ~R~escan Days Sec ~L~evel D~o~main ~C~onnecting Only recieve from user Only send to user Send and recieve ~U~ser is Active Remind ~D~escription Edit User Library Connect ~e~chos Connect ~u~sers SPRINGE ZU ~M~EGATIC Defaults BBS ~c~onversion ~D~estinate by echonameE( Options No Auto-~Z~one-Matching Select ~A~KA for groupK( ~D~escription Filegroup Settings "Echonames to connect to this group Cancel Echoname specificationsR when account is lessc Security Help Cancel ~A~nnounces;( ~E~choes:( ~G~roups9( JUMP INTO Send Mai~l~ AKAs & Auto~C~reate>( ~P~acking Li~b~raryH( ~F~iles Crash Direct ~M~ails Crash Direct Switches Se~n~d *.TICs Pack T~I~C files Send InfoTe~x~ts Send ~4~D TIC-files Strip "seen b~y~" Pack u~s~efiles Account ~D~isable SubAKA if exceeded Send Netmail ~w~arning ~R~escan S~e~cLevel P~a~ssword Domain" Recieve from Send to Ac~t~ive Remind Paused User's main A~K~A) ~U~ser name + Edit User Cancel ~D~omain ~S~tart nowJ( ~F~ree DL-kb Da~y~s Acco~u~nt Switc~h~es Th~i~s AKA is active%Allow ar~e~a auto-create for this AKA Allow forward re~q~uests ~A~KA AKA Settings days (0=ignore) +-------------- AREA MAINTENANCE ----------- Cancel $When "0" force when "/D=x" specified ~K~eep files Packer ~C~onvert toV( Incoming Fi~l~es Touch da~t~e Unwante~d~ check Vir~u~s Scan Arc Con~v~ert ----> ~R~eplaced Files Move to OLD Rename file Banner ~h~andling Leave unchanged Add banner Kill banner Options Synchronize with FDB Mandatory ~W~rite Security ~O~rder Security Echo ~B~atch file Auto-Create ~p~ath Filearea Autocreate Settings This Filemask could be an TIC-file archive Help Cancel ~F~ile mask Filemask to check on start +- {+} Groups whose new echos are added here %- Select origin line for announcement )- Send announcement as netmail to systems Cancel AutoAdd File~g~roups O~r~igin lineQ( Netmai~l~ SystemsP( ~S~ubject ~T~O Field ~F~ROM Field PKT pass~w~ord Echo~m~ail area Select ~A~KAO( Use AKA Select ~E~chosN( This group is a~c~tive Group~N~ame Announce-Group Cancel O~r~igin line Origin-Line < select with space > Cancel ~F~ile Groups to belong to Select File Groups < select with space > Cancel ~F~ile Echos to belong to Select File Echos < select with space > Cancel ~P~acker to compress TICs with Select Packer < select with space > Cancel $Select ~F~ile Echo to hatch Files to Select File Echos < select with space > Cancel ~F~ile Groups to belong to Select File Groups < select with space > Cancel ~P~acker to use for FileEcho Select Packer < select with space > Cancel 5~F~ilegroups, whose new echos shall be announced here Select AutoAdd File GroupsN < select with space > Cancel ~A~vailable Items Choose an ItemN Cancel ~A~vailable Items Choose an Item < select with space > Cancel Select ~A~KA to use Select AKA < select with space > Cancel Select ~F~ile Group to belong to Select File Group < select with space > Cancel %Select ~U~sers connected to File Echo Select Users < select with space > Cancel Select ~E~chos to announce Select Echos < select with space > Cancel (~S~elect Systems for netmail announcing Select Systems < Select with space > Cancel ~S~elect Origin line Select Origin line < select with space > Cancel &Select ~U~sers connected to File Group Select Users < select with space > Cancel &Select ~E~chos connected to File Group Select Echos < select with space > Cancel /Select ~A~nnouncegroups to announce FileEcho in Select Announcegroups < select with space > Cancel $Select ~A~nnouncegroups to belong to Select Announcegroups Cancel ------------------------------------------------------------------ ~M~agic Type The Magic Editor Select the magic type to install now Cancel ~M~agic Type Copy File Delete File Execute Command No Hatch Rename Areatag Unpack File Select Magic Type Cancel ~T~arget directory ~F~ilespecification This magic is ~a~ctive Current Magic Type Copy File Cancel ~F~ilespecification This magic is ~a~ctive Current Magic Type Delete File 5You can separate multiple commands with semicolon ";" You can use the magics in commandline: *F = Full path with filename *P = Path only with backslash *N = Filename only without path Cancel ~C~ommandline ~F~ilespecification This magic is ~a~ctive Current Magic Type Execute Command Cancel ~F~ilespecification This magic is ~a~ctive Current Magic Type No Hatch (TIC only) Cancel ~T~arget directory ~F~ilespecification This magic is ~a~ctive Current Magic Type Unpack File Cancel ~N~ew areatag ~A~rea specification This magic is ~a~ctive Current Magic Type Rename AreatagN Help ~D~eletej ~E~diti ~A~ddh Cancel ~I~tem descriptions Change Setup dead days (0=ignore) ,------------- AREA MAINTENANCE ------------- days (0=ignore) Cancel ~A~nnouncex ~U~sersw ~G~roupsL( JUMP INTO Kill area after $When 0, force when "/D=xx" specified ~K~eep files ~C~onvert toT( Incoming Files ~T~ouch filedate Un~w~anted check V~i~rus Scan Arc con~v~ert ~R~eplaced Files Move to OLD Rename old Bann~e~r handling Leave unchanged Add your bannerfile Kill existing banner Options ~S~ynchronize with FDB ~M~andatory No FILE_ID.DI~Z~ add An~y~one can send Echo is passt~h~rough Autounlink Write Sec Order Sec BBS# ~B~atch" ~P~ath$ BBS-Name& MegaTIC~N~ame( File-Echo Settings ,------------- AREA MAINTENANCE ------------- days in area (0=ignore) Cancel ~A~nnouncex ~U~sersw ~G~roupsL( JUMP INTO $When 0, force when "/D=xx" specified ~K~eep files ~C~onvert toT( Incoming Files ~T~ouch filedate Un~w~anted check V~i~rus Scan Arc con~v~ert ~R~eplaced Files Move to OLD Rename old Bann~e~r handling Leave unchanged Add your bannerfile Kill existing banner Options ~S~ynchronize with FDB ~M~andatory No FILE_ID.DI~Z~ add An~y~one can send Echo is passt~h~rough Autounlink Write Sec Order Sec ~B~atch ~P~ath! BBS-Name# MegaTIC~N~ame% File-Echo Settings days (0=ignore) days (0=ignore) Cancel Killdead change Keep change Packer ~C~onvertU( Incoming ~T~ouch filedate Unwant~e~d check V~i~rus Scan Arc con~v~ert --> change ~R~eplaced ~K~ill ~M~ove to OLD-Dir ~R~ename old File change Banner ~L~eave unchanged A~d~d your bannerfile Kill exi~s~ting change ~W~rite Sec change ~O~rder Sec change B~a~tch change Options! Synchronize Mandatory No FILE_ID.DIZ add Anyone can send Passthrough Autounlink change Global File-Echo Changes BBS OUTBOUND INBOUND Cancel RA ~2~.02 ~P~roboard 2.xx Ma~x~imus 3.xx ~F~ILES.BBS ~E~zyCom RA 2.~5~0 Concor~d~ Add all your A~K~As to TIC Add Points in ~4~D-TICs Outbound Mode *.~M~SG (FrontDoor) Dom~a~in (Binkley) ~Z~one (McMail, PoP) System S~y~nc Filebase on startup Make ~B~ackup of CFG-Files Suppress ext. screen o~u~tput At Pos Format Add Downloadcounter (RA only) Add your Banner to arc~h~ives LongDesc in o~n~e textline Strip HiBit A~S~CII characters Fi~l~ter ANSIs from LongDesc Use FILE_ID.DIZ if no Desc Use FILE_ID.DIZ if no LDesc Al~w~ays use FILE_ID.DIZ Add FILE_ID.DIZ from LongDesc Leave ~i~f CRC fails Mo~v~e to BAD if CRC fails I~g~nore if CRC fails Inbound C~R~C checking Log Mode Normal Expanded Debug Log style FrontDoor Binkley General System Setup Cancel ~M~ax TIC age Format Old (te~x~t) New (binar~y~) Options ~U~se CRC-list C~h~eck CRC Check size SkChk ~C~RC File ~M~ove to OLD ~D~elete Netm~a~il Boo~t~ ~E~rrorlevel Virusscanner OS~2~ ~V~irusscanner DOS Netmail ~R~escan Ba~n~ner file ~L~ocation ~S~ysop Name ~B~BS Name External Settings Cancel Announce Body Some errors Remind Mail FileFind File ~R~equest" Sen~d~ files$ Announce Foot& Announce Head( MSG-~F~ooter* ~U~ser Disable, Account ~W~arning. S~w~itch-Change0 U~n~linked Echos2 Lin~k~ed Echos4 ~U~nlink Echos6 L~i~nk Echos8 AllAreas-~L~ist: InfoTe~x~ts< ~S~tatus-Info> ~M~egaTIC-Info@ MegaTIC-H~e~lpB MSG-~H~eaderD Makro Filenames Send infos about MegaTIC Send MegaTIC help %Send user specific status information Send list of unlinked areas Send list of linked areas Send list of all available areas ~M~egaTICD( ~H~elpC( ~S~tatusB( ~U~nlinkedA( ~Q~uery@( ~L~ist?( Send Mail to User Now follows the name, under which this FileEcho is handled in Fido-Style Networks. This name must be the same like the name of the FIDO-AREA for this FileEcho. No spaces ar allowed in this name. Help Cancel ~F~ileecho-TAG BBS - Echo-Name Import FileEcho Area include DL-Security ~C~ompress File-ListsR( Cancel ~F~ileSpec ~R~equestlist (~D~elete RAW File-List after compression2Add keywords :NORMAL and :PROTECTED in RequestList ~B~BS BoardS( Ma~x~ M~i~n not older than ~N~ew Files Al~l~ Files List ~P~ath File-List Paramteres Cancel ~B~BS Upload BoardX( Ex~c~lude files File Infos Add ~G~IF, JPG Infos Check Files Check only ~n~ew files Always check a~l~l files ~S~elect PackerW( ~U~pload Actions ~T~ouch files Unwant~e~d check ~V~irus Scan ~A~rc convert Upload-Scanner Cancel ~S~elect Color Palette BLUE.PAL COLORED.PAL CYAN.PAL DISKRET.PAL DOS.PAL FD.PAL ICE.PAL LATE1.PAL LOWINT.PAL MTIC.PAL NC.PAL PCTOOLS.PAL Color Palette with ~a~nnouncement ~A~ctions ~T~IC files now TIC and ~H~ATCH files now TIC files ~l~ater Manual Hatching MEGATIC MTIC MegaTIC shall listen to these names in AreaLink-Netmail messages. Cancel O~p~tions Allow %LIST Allow %UNLINKED Allow %PAUSE Allow %RESUME Allow %SENDME Allow %RESCAN Allow %TICPACK Allow %FILEPACK Listen to Protected Sessions Normal Sessions Cancel ~A~liasnamesY( ~M~ailer McMail (SRIF) Cantaloup, Binkley (SRIF) FrontDoor InterMail TICarea name Send request-~r~eport ~C~opy of report to sysop Check if files are ~p~resent Send ~T~IC-Files -> ~B~BS-Info file Request ~f~ail +Request from areas with DL-security between Files +Request from areas with DL-security between Byte Time" Files$ Request-Processor Cancel Filefind-~A~reasZ( Process ~l~ocal requests Mark as ~R~CVD even if not found and MAX DL-security of scanned Areas Max message age ~M~ax filefinds Filefind-system options Press to connect user only to filegroup, but not to fileechos. Connect user with selected CONNECT-MODE to fileechos of current filegroup. Cancel ~C~onnect mode ) O~N~ (~R~) RECEIVE FROM (~S~) SEND TO (~B~) BOTH Current filegroup is Echo connect Cancel Max filedesc length (0-256) ~4~DOS DESCRIPT.ION files {+} Update DESCRIPT.ION files Filter Hi-ASCII from desc Strip DownLoadCounter Justify areadescription Centered Right Area s~e~paration character ~A~nnouncements {+} Use internal routines (no MFM) Display filesi~z~e Display file~d~ate Display a~r~ea statistics Display ~t~otal statistics Hi~g~hlight areaname with ">" Spaces indent ListChar Downloadcounter format ~F~ILES.BBS settings {+} Insert new files at first line Add downloadcounter Add filesize Add filedate ~S~ort users for {+} Sur~n~ame ~L~astname A~K~A ~P~rogram options Se~c~ure TIC filenames At errors: netmail to S~Y~SOP Close grap~h~ics window on exit Ignore MTIC.BSY Max message si~z~e 16 kb 32 kb 64 kb Settings *move file to inbound instead of copying it 5this file shell be replaced by the file you hatch now Cancel Mo~v~e file to inbound ~R~eplaces (~W~here to get the File-Description from $Search description in ~B~BS-filebase)Try to extract ~F~ILE_ID.DIZ from Archive Enter a ~m~anual description File Parameters 8Only the first 255 characters are used for description ! Cancel Help ~I~mport File Other ~M~ethod ~D~escription Filename File Description Help Cancel ~T~extfile to import Import Textfile Cancel All groups AltGroup ~3~ AltGroup ~2~ AltGroup ~1~ Upload~s~ De~f~. cost ~G~roup Passwo~r~d Min ~a~ge ~M~ove area FD days DL days ~N~ew Du~p~es L~o~ngDesc ~C~D-ROM Fr~e~e D~i~rectDL P~w~dUL UL ~s~can D flag C flag B flag A flag" ~U~L security$ D flag& C flag( B flag* A flag, ~L~ist security. D flag0 C flag2 B flag4 A flag6 ~D~L security8 4Number to start when ~c~reating areas for this group: RemoteAccess FileArea Defaults 0,X,- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456 Cancel Min Age Max Kb Max Files Date Format MM/DD/YY YY/MM/DD DD/MM/YY All ~G~roups Group #~4~ Group #~3~ Group #~2~ Group #~1~ Options Cop~y~ local In ~T~OPFILES F~r~ee Area Acc~e~ss Level ~A~ccess Flags *Number to start ~c~reating areas for group Proboard FileArea Defaults Cancel ~F~ilePath defaults U~p~filearea Minimum ag~e~ File ~G~roup Con~v~ert A~t~tributes ~K~eep files offline Allo~w~ offline Sort by ~D~ate Sort by ~A~lpha In Online ~M~asterlist Age c~h~eck to view ~N~o desc after upload ~I~n EzyMast D Flag C Flag B Flag A Flag ~S~ysSecurity D flag C flag B flag A flag ~U~pSecurity! D flag# C flag% B flag' A flag) ~L~istSecurity+ 4Number to start when ~c~reating areas for this group- EzyCom FileArea Defaults Cancel ~A~ttribute CD Rom Path ~D~isplay as not enough sec ~F~ree Downloads Auto adopt files ~M~inimum age ~P~assword D flag C flag B flag A flag ~S~ecurity EzyCom FilePath Defaults Cancel ~U~pload ~A~ttribute S~l~ow S~t~aged ~N~oNew ~S~ecurity Sysop AsstSysop Clerk Extra Favored Privil Worthy Normal Limited Demoted Transient 4Number to start when ~c~reating areas for this group Maximus FileArea Defaults Cancel BPS rate ~L~I security BPS rate ~U~L security" BPS rate$ ~D~L security2 ~N~ew files check Du~p~licate check ~V~irus check O~f~fline area5 Open to7 ##:## Open from9 ##:## Pass~w~ord; Upload A~r~ea= ~G~roup? ~A~ctiveA 4Number to start when ~c~reating areas for this groupC Concord FileArea Defaults The author of this program cannot give any gurantee for damages or errors occuring when using this program or any parts of it. If you don't agree, stop using MegaTIC now. Please read the documentation file MTIC.DOC first. Copyright (c) 1995,96 by Dirk Mertens, DiMeS MegaTIC Version 1.32 START UP PROCEDURE +Allocating 2048 kb DOS/16M DPMI swap-memory&Searching for registration information Loading configuration values Creating backup of config-files)Synchronizing fileechos with BBS-filebase MegaTIC (N)ode/(T)ool/(P)oint version The author of this program cannot give any gurantee for damages or errors occuring when using this program or any parts of it. If you don't agree, stop using MegaTIC now. Copyright (c) 1995,96 by Dirk Mertens, DiMeS MegaTIC Version 1.32 OS VERSION VERSION KEY NUMBER VALID UNTIL MAIN-AKA SYSOP MegaTIC - Discard changes - Saves changes do disk The changes you have made will not be saved, if you press ESC now. To save changes to disk, press ENTER now. !! ATTENTION !! Cancel SaveChanges MegaTIC Online-Bestellservice In den folgenden Dialogen kannst Du bequem eine Bestellung f r die Keyfiles zur registrierten Benutzung von MegaTIC erstellen. Diese Bestellung wird nach vorheriger R ckfrage als Netmail an den Programmautor Dirk Mertens (2:2449/528) verschickt. ~W~EITER MegaTIC Bestellung ANZAHL -MegaTIC Toolversion DM 10.- -MegaTIC Pointversion DM 25.- -MegaTIC Nodeversion DM 40.- ----==== Hiermit bestelle ich die folgenden Positionen ====---- ~W~EITER *~V~ersand auf Diskette per POST DM 5.- ~A~dresse ~F~IDO-AKA ~N~ame MegaTIC Bestellung 3--------------------------------------------------- 3--------------------------------------------------- -TEXT : Bestellung MegaTIC f r FIDO-AKA, NAME 5Volksbank M nster / BLZ 401 600 50 / Kto 170 635 7700 Bargeld oder Verrechnungsscheck in der H he des Gesamtbetrages sende ich per POST zu. Ich erhalte den aber Key erst, wenn das Geld bei der Registration-Site eingetroffen ist. ~W~EITER ##/##/## berweisung des Gesamtbetrages ist am geschehen. berweisung Bargeld/Scheck HAuf folgende Weise m chte ich den Gesamtbetrag von DM bezahlen : 9Ich arbeite zur Zeit mit der Version von MegaTIC. MegaTIC Bestellung $Die Mail auf normalem Wege zustellen #Die Mail direkt per Crash zustellen MegaTIC online Bestellservice Wenn Du jetzt bet tigst, wird eine Netmail erzeugt und somit die Keyfiles f r MegaTIC bestellt. BESTELLUNG ~A~BSCHICKEN ~M~ail Attribute ~C~rash-Mail ~N~ormal Bestellung abschicken Passt~h~rough In~f~ected Msg~B~ase ~S~emaphore ~L~OG-Path Mailbo~x~ Ol~d~ Files T~e~mp B~a~d TICs ~T~ICs ~P~ackets O~u~tbound ~I~nbound ~M~ailer ~N~etmail System Pfade einstellen Nodes und Points z.B. FIDO-Netz *keine Points nur PVT-Nodes z.B. Pascal-Net Dateigruppen f r diese AKA In diesem Netz gibt es ~3~-D Adressen ~4~-D Adressen Dies ist meine ~M~AIN-AKA ~D~omain ~P~oint No~d~e ~N~etz ~Z~one AKA Einstellungen Security Hilfe ~E~chos=( ~G~ruppen<( SPRINGE ZU Files Crash ~M~ails Crash ~S~chalter Sende *.T~I~Cs ~P~acke TIC-Dateien Sende Infote~x~te Sende ~4~D TIC-Dateien sche "seen b~y~"s Packe ~n~ormale Dateien ~G~uthaben ~F~rei ~D~L-kb ~T~age ~R~escan Tage Sec ~L~evel D~o~main ~V~erbindung Nur empfangen Nur senden Beides ~U~ser ist Aktiv Erinnern ~B~eschreibung Benutzer Bibliothek Datei~e~chos zuordnen Benu~t~zer zuordnen SPRINGE ZU MEGATIC ~D~efaults BBS ~K~onvertierung Zuordnung per Echo~n~ameE( Optionen Kein ~Z~one-Auto-Matching hle ~A~KA f r GruppeK( ~B~eschreibung Dateigruppen EinstellungenR Tagen Rest bei weniger alsc Security Hilfe ~A~nnouncen;( ~E~chos:( ~G~ruppen9( SPRINGE ZU Sende Mai~l~ AKAs & Auto~C~reate>( ~P~ackenM( ~B~ibliothekH( ~F~iles Crash Direct ~M~ails Crash Direct ~S~chalter Sende *.~T~ICs Packe T~I~C Dateien Sende InfoTe~x~te Sende ~4~D TIC-Dateien sche "seen b~y~"s Packe no~r~male Dateien Account Deaktiviere SubAKA Sende Netmail-Warnung Rescan SecLe~v~el Pass~w~ort ~D~omain" Verbindung$ Empfangen vom Senden zum Beides Hauptschalter& Aktiv gesc~h~altet Eri~n~nern Pause Main A~K~A+ Ben~u~tzername- BenutzereinstellungenU MT0_E} MT10_Eq MT11_E MT121_E MT122_E MT123_E MT12_Ey MT13_E MT14_E^ MT15_E> MT16_E~ MT17_Er" MT18_E MT19_E$ MT1_D MT1_E>* MT20_E MT21_E6 MT221_E MT222_E MT223A_E MT223_EJ MT22_D60 MT22_E MT23_D MT23_E MT241_E MT24_D MT24_E MT25_D MT25_E MT26A_EJU MT26_E MT27_E MT28_E2n MT29_E MT2_D8 MT2_E MT3A_E MT3B_E MT3C_E5v MT3D_Ehx MT3E_E MT3F_E MT3G_E MT4A_E MT4_E MT5A_E MT5B_E MT5C_E. MT5D_ER MT5E_E MT5F_E MT5G_E MT5H_E MT5I_EL MT5J_E MT61A_E{ MT61G_E MT61_EN MT6_Ef MT7_E MT8_Ed MT9_E MTINFO_E MTMAG0_E MTMAG1_E MTMAG2_E MTMAG3_E MTMAG4_E* MTMAG5_E: MTMAG6_E MTMAGIC_E MTORD1_D MTORD2_D MTORD3_D/ MTORDER_D MTSC_E MTVER_E~p MT_CO_E MT_EZ1_E MT_EZ_E MT_MA_E MT_PB_E MT_RA_E